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Monday, November 2, 2009

Halloween's Over Already?!

I can't help it... Halloween has to be my absolute favorite holiday of the year.
Even better than my birthday!


It's the cool, crisp fall days that begin to have a hint of frost in the morning hours.
The clear nights, with a sharp cold wind that if it catches you right,
will send a chill up your spine.
The smell of drying leaves, falling from once vivid trees to make a carpet of red, orange and yellow hues on the once green grass. The way the dirt even smells cold.


It's the little kids dressed up in all sorts of costumes... Trick-or-treating with little pumpkin baskets or pillowcases. Mom and Dad taking them from door to door, depending on the weather they may or may not have a coat. Candy fangs, and princess tiaras, a little hummingbird set alight on Dad's arm. A little Frankenstein, and a Barbie Doll....


Glowsticks and flashlights, to light the way in the dark... Door to door collecting the sweets, and sometimes other treats, that are passed out during the evening.


Pumpkins carved out- silly faces, scary smirks and ghoulish specters flickering with soft candlelight. (Yes, I'm fan of those- as long as they're monitored so there's no fire hazard!)
They especially are delicious when you sprinkle a little cinnamon and nutmeg on the top of the pumpkin- so as the candle burns, it lets off a smell that just beckons people to sit and stay a moment to chit chat about how to best decorate.


Yards decorated with white sheet ghosts, and hanging bats... Fake spiderwebs set upon corners of porches with equally fake spiders nestled within them. Garages transformed to house coffins and vampires instead of the family Volvo- unless, of course you're a Cullen!


Ah.... Halloween.
I must wait for my friend again next year.


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